Monday, July 31, 2006


I have always enjoyed sci fi movies and sci fi series. I am not a junkie, but I do enjoy the imagitive theatrics. I dont read a lot a sci fi, but thats not my point at this time. I like watching the sci fi channel on cable. One night I was watching a show, and during a commercial break a spot for the sci fi channel came on. I had seen several different spots for the sci fi channel. Some are humerous, some are interesting, and some are very bizzare. This one captured my attention and has been imbeded in my thoughts ever since. The spot is filmed in black and white and opens on a sidewalk crowed with pedestrians in front of a building in some unnamed metropolis. The focus is a man in the midst of the crowd. He has his head down and his hand is rubbing his forhead. You get the impression he is at the end, there is no hope, and he just can't go on. He then looks to the sky and leaps upwards. As he's in mid air a pair of beautiful white angelic wings appear on his back. He then runs along the side of the building and pushes himself off, propelling himself skyward. The wings carry him above the crowd, the city, and away from his despair. The crowd doesn't seem to care, they dont even notice, but he is free, free from that which held him down. What held him down. Was it the gravity of the past, the gravity of the present, or the gravity of the future. It didnt matter. He was free. Thats it! That's the way I feel. Sometimes I wish I could soar above it all.

Psalm 55:6 (King James Version)

(6) And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.


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