Friday, February 16, 2007


Its been many years since I have been to a Valentines Day party. The one I remember the most involves my mother. I was about 8 or 9 years old and in the 3 rd grade. I had bought a box a children's Valentines Day cards for my classmates. When I got ready to go to school, I realized I was 2 or 3 cards short. I was beside myself. I did not know what to do. My mother sent me on to school in tears. I remember being on the schools playground later that day and seeing my mother walking toward the school. My mother has arthritis and was not in the best of health at that time, so walking was difficult for her. The walk from my house to the school was about 1 mile or a 1 1/2 miles. I remember seeing my mother slowly walking to the school. It was February in Colorado and she was wearing a large coat to stay warm. I ran and met my mother. Upon greeting her she handed me 2 or 3 large store bought Valentines Day cards. This unselfish act of love has remained in my heart ever since. Thinking back, my mother not only walked to school to bring me the cards, but she also had walked to the store to buy the cards. We did not have the money for a small box of children's Valentines Day cards, much less 2 0r 3 large store bought cards. This Valentines Day I called my mother. It has been a several months since we have talked, but I felt I needed to express my love to her by sharing with her this memory. Hearing my mothers voice warmed me like that coat worn by her on that winters day long ago. I shared with her my memory and told her how much I loved her. I apologized to her if that small boy was ungrateful. My mother reassured me that I was overjoyed. As I hung up the phone, I knew the Valentine cards journey had taken it from the hands of of small boy into the grateful heart of a man. I don't remember what the cards looked like, but in their reflection upon my memory... all I see is a mother's love.


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